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Our Principles

We believe that holding high expectations of how students should behave and conduct themselves is essential. We also understand that, in collaboration with parents, part of our job is to teach students how to achieve them. Our default method for achieving this will be through positive reinforcement. However, sanctions will also be used to reinforce expectations when they are not being met.

Stanground Academy expects the highest standards of behaviour

We expect staff and students to work hard to create and maintain the positive climate required to fulfil our mission and remain true to our values.

However, we understand that learning to positively regulate behaviour is part of the learning journey for children. Wherever possible, our ethos is therefore to offer students the opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

To achieve this, we have:

  • The safety, well-being and education of each student as our priority.
  • High expectations which are clearly communicated to students, parents and staff via assemblies, letters, noticeboards, bulletins, and the website.
  • Clear procedures and systems to ensure effective and timely recording and sharing of information.
  • Effective operational routines that are applied consistently and rigorously, ensuring appropriate responses to minor incidents and immediate response to serious incidents.
  • Organisational structures which support an inclusive and community approach.
  • High quality data to inform individual students and whole academy interventions to improve behaviour.
  • A culture of building mutually supportive relationships with parents/carers.


All staff are responsible and accountable for reinforcing the Academy’s high expectations and ensuring any rewards, sanctions and interventions are appropriate, timely and consistent with this policy.

Our focus is to encourage positive behaviours and attitudes. Staff will do so by using praise, recognition, and rewards.

Where negative behaviour or attitudes are evident, we will seek to clarify our expectations with the student and give them an opportunity to demonstrate the appropriate behaviour and attitude.

However, when negative behaviour and attitudes persist, or when a student disrupts the learning of other students, deliberately upsets, mistreats or harms a member of the school community, or demonstrates intolerance for someone with a protected characteristic, we will apply sanctions to reinforce our expectations.

Positive Role Modelling

In order to create a positive, welcoming atmosphere, teachers will aim to be at the door, smile, and be enthusiastic about working with the students and about the content/context of the lesson. When students are having difficulty, teachers will discuss how successful learners deal with the frustrations and create a calm atmosphere. Consideration will be given to spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues and how developing the ‘big picture’ with students allows them to think outside the box.


Students respond positively to routine and predictable, reliable, consistent patterns. Teachers will ensure that students know it is the priority to maintain the pace of their lesson for the benefit of all students.