Students are expected to attend school for a minimum of 32.5 hours per week. This includes break and lunch times but excludes extracurricular activities, meaning some students may exceed this time.
Reporting a Student's Absence
- If your child is absent, please call the absence line by 8:30am each day they are away.
- Voicemails left will be passed to the relevant year team to ensure accurate attendance records.
- Please provide a detailed reason for the absence. If the reason is unclear, you will be asked to call back.
Importance of Attendance
The government requires at least 96% attendance. Missing 10 days or more in a year makes it difficult for students to achieve this and can impact their progress.
- Year Teams and the Attendance Officer will support students with attendance concerns. If needed, the Education Welfare Service will be involved.
Requesting a Leave of Absence
The law no longer allows automatic permission for holidays during term time. Leave will only be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Principal.
- Holidays due to affordability or parental work schedules are unlikely to qualify.
- Unauthorised absences may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £160 per parent per child.
Support for Parents
- Ensure your child attends regularly and on time.
- Contact your child's Year Team or the Attendance Officer for support. You can find their details on the contact page or call the Reception.
- Holidays during examination periods will not be authorised.
Authorised Absences
The following situations are usually considered unavoidable:
- Genuine illness
- Religious festivals/ ceremonies
- Medical or dental appointments
- Hospital treatment
- Family funerals
- Interviews for jobs or colleges
- Participation in public performances or exams
Unauthorised Absences
These reasons are typically avoidable and will not be authorised:
- Minor illness
- Staying home for house-related tasks (deliveries, workmen, etc.)
- Preparing for a holiday or collecting relatives
- Looking after siblings
- Family business, housework, or caring for relatives
- Being unhappy or not getting on with other students
For more details on Penalty Notice fines starting from 19 August 2024, please read the Council’s Code of Conduct below.